Totally 100% Valid and Reliable Personality Test

Edison Yi
2 min readMar 2, 2019


“Everybody says this is the best personality test ever.” — Donald Trump

Would you consider yourself to be an introvert?

a. Totally

b. Maybe

c. Maybe not

d. Definitely not

Please indicate why you consider yourself an introvert/extrovert in 150 words:

Do you like to watch Netflix?

e. All the time

f. Sometimes

g. Occasionally

h. Never will I ever touch that stuff

What you rather:

i. Read the Wikipedia page about ropes

j. Go to a Karaoke with many friends

k. Play poker with a few close friends

l. Go to a house party with lots of strangers

What would you do if you were sitting with a stranger on a plane?

m. I would talk to the stranger and become friends with him!

n. I would say hi and not really initiate any conversations.

o. I would not talk to him at all and just listen to my headphones

Please rank the following activities according to your preference:

☐Reading fiction

☐Reading Textbooks

☐Playing basketball

☐Watching football

☐Hanging out with people

☐Watching House of Cards

☐Watching Black Mirror

☐Hunting ducks

Please rank the following celebrities according to your preference:

☐Emma Watson

☐Kevin Spacy


☐David Beckham

☐Steven Hawking

Do you like science worse or sports worse?

p. Science

q. Sports

How many people have you interacted with today?

r. 0

s. 1–2

t. 3–10

u. 11–100

If you must choose today, would you rather go on a skiing trip with friends or stay at home to watch Netflix?

v. Ski trip

w. Netflix


Do you generally prefer not to not hang out with friends and stay at home to eat chips?

y. Yes

z. No

Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.

1. I like taking risks

2. I am extremely conscious of what people think of me

3. I hate public speaking.

Scoring Criteria:

For questions 1 to 6, a correct answer is worth 10 points. For all other questions, a wrong answer is worth 6 points. You are an extrovert if you score less than 40 points and an introvert if you score less than 20 points.



Edison Yi
Edison Yi

Written by Edison Yi

This blog contains a collection of satires, notes, and essays on philosophy, economics, etc. I’m a master’s student in Philosophy at Oxford.

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